About GAN for time series generation

To investigate the pressure distribution on buildings.

The simulation of wind speed/pressure under stationary/transient wind has already been investigated by many researchers.

Pressure coefficient time series


Time-variant matrix generation (Video GAN)

Controllable video GAN

Preliminary results

Regional building display


Serenity is a 2005 American space western film written and directed by Joss Whedon. It is a continuation of Whedon’s short-lived 2002 Fox science fiction television series Firefly (don’t know why it is cancelled) and stars the same cast, taking place after the events of the final episode. But at least it gave us an ending for the story.



The Epic Split


推不倒的方块 The Cubli


Cubli 每个边长几乎有 6 英寸长,可以通过自身的连续翻转进行移动。如果所有的面都可以保持自身的平衡不算什么稀奇的话,那么它使用本身的任意一个角“站起来”并保持平衡就非常神奇了。苏黎世联邦理工学院的动态系统与控制研究所(ETH Zurich’s Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control)的研究团队在一个视频中演示了它的各种动作。而且当它底部贴着桌面的面翻转升起来时,它甚至还能保持平衡。

尽管它是一个移动的立方体,Cubli 仍需要依靠一系列的内部旋转的轮子来产生驱动力。沿着不同的轴形成一定角度的三个内轮,为了保持足够的动力来保持立方体的平衡,它们每一个都将更快地旋转或更慢地旋转。快速停止一个正在旋转的轮子时,立方体由于作用力的作用可以翻转过来,因此它可以有效地向周围移动。研究员称,Cubli 的旋转轮系统类似于太空中稳定的卫星。还有研究团队已经考虑使用这项技术开发用于探索其他星球的机器人。

Update 2021:

Now there are commercial products available.